Thursday, January 17, 2008

Art of Multitasking

People always say Time Management is the key. And the key to Time Management is Multitasking.

I have a problem. I have to manage my time at home.

Between fairly important activities like consuming food for my survival, extremely important activity of watching House M.D and this very annoying activity of avoiding conversations with my mom.

Before you jump to conclusions and decide that I'm an insensitive jerk, you must know that I am just about 25 years and 6 months old and all conversations with mommy invariably lead to when I am willing to get hitched and end with me raising my voice and me serving myself cold dinner.

So, I figured I need to do something about this.

What do I do ?

Simple, combine the above mentioned activities to occur simultaneously. I started having dinner while watching House M.D hoping that the sight of me in front of my comp will discourage my mommy from indulging in any sort of conversation. Then she made me realise that I'm not the only one capable of raising voices.

First instinct would be shout back at her and prolong the torture. But I didn't. This is where my genius brain kicks in.

I don't raise MY voice. I just increase the volume on my comp. Clever huh. It's one thing for my mom to compete with me on who has the louder voice, but with 2.1 creative speakers doing the work for me - she's toast.

If you think Love is the work of god, Genius is the work of the devil.

Wow - I actually kinda like the sound of that.

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