Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Power of Boredom

After a nearly two year hiatus, I'm back on Orkut. I had previously deleted my profile and cleared out and now I'm back. I had my reasons for quitting then. At that time, it seemed like a valid reason. Actually, it still does sound very valid. But something more powerful has overcome the validity of my reasoning and now I'm back on Orkut. Ready to be everyone's best friend.

What can I say, never underestimate the power of boredom.

1 comment:

Vash Desain said...

Nice info, thanks for share, oh ya saya mau berbagi, baru saja saya menemukan Video Viral tentang Hobby jadi Bisnis trus minum Kopi Terbaik sambil simak Media Kalteng baca tentang Paid Promote / Jasa Endorse untuk Jual Akik Gambar buat modal Usaha sablon kaos Lebihnya buat cari jasa edit foto sambil belajar Pidato Komunikasi Publik