Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I've decided .....

You try to keep in touch with friends. You mail every once in a while. You call once in a while. You message once in a while and what not. The friend replies every once in a while, but only replies. Meaning your friend always only reacts.

It can mean one of two things. One, you are an idiot wasting your precious time on people who dont deserve it. Two, your friend thinks he/she is morally superior and is immune from the responsibility that goes into maintaining a friendship. Quite possibly even both of these things.

Of course, everyone has priorities. In an environment which has more than one participant, like a friendship, it is important that the priorities of the parties involved be reasonably similar. A time lag is perfectly understandable. A lack of initiative is inexcusable.

You have to decide for yourself how to handle this. I have decided.


rekhs said...

i've decided what....? :)
so true...i like what u have written..esp that any friendship if it has to survive the test of time HAS 2b mutual:)can vary in degrees but still....

Sowji said...


I have decided ....

to only expect what I am prepared to give. The other side of that being, to give back only what I get.