Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Why don't we write letters anymore ?

Let me guess - Email is way too cool. Mobile phones are cheap. Lets all embrace technology and allow ourselves to be consumed by it.

Sure. I've heard the talk about how technology has brought the world closer. Who would have thought of outsourcing if not for technology and not to mention generations being brought into this world not knowing what they have missed. India vs. Pakistan playing not in a cricket match, not a hockey match, not on any open air field, but in a virtual world of 3d games.

What happened to the good old blood, sweat and guts theme ? What happened to the personal touch ?

It is in the nature of man to seek out the path that yields the maximum return with least possible effort. Simple cost benefit ratio. Lets see now. Writing a letter vs. sending an email. Cost benefit reveals the following:

Cost(s) associated with Writing a letter:

=> You need paper. Jeez, who uses those things anymore.

=> You need a pen. The 16 year old's of right now don't know what that is, something to do with exams being conducted on a computer. The concept evades me.

=> Once the above mentioned items are in possession, there is of course the archaic, time consuming, physical act of writing.

=> You do need some semblance of grammer when you write to make sense, which means more of an effort in performing the physical act which is labour intensive as is.

=> Of course you need the envelope, the stamp and the complete postal address. Yes, "postal address" exists. Address does not always mean, who@idontcare.whatever. (this thing actually hyperlinks automatically, you see what i'm talking about)

=> To top it all of, the act of walking, jogging, running, riding or driving to a post box and posting the letter.

Benefit(s) associated with Writing a letter:

=> The person reading the letter gets to see your handwriting. Considering that the physical act of writing has not been performed in a long time, it is bound to be horrendous. Why do I feel this should also go in the cost section. In the interest of fairness, i'll leave it here. Handwriting, as sad as it may be, is a little more personal than electronic characters on a screen.

Now, lets try the same thing with email.

Cost(s) associated with Typing an Email:

=> You need a computer, laptop, or whatever cool gadget that allows you to send an email. (Possible arguement: C'mon who doesn't have one of these things at home, work, in the mobile.)

=> You need an internet connection or whatever cool technology that has replaced it. (Possible argument: Oh please, who has a computer or whatever without one of these things to go with it.)

Really cant think of anything else to put in here. But trust me, the benefits thingi is going to be a lot better.

Benefits(s) associated with Typing an Email:

=> It's probably easier to own a computer now than to set up a mailbox outside your home.

=> You dont have to be educated to type an email. Nobody uses the English language to type an email. Some sort of pseudo written english thing has taken over. Really not sure what this lingo is called even. (u get dis!!!)

=> You can send the same email to more than one person at the same time. Cool huh.

=> You can set rules, put your email in different places, chooe to ignore some. All automatically. Sounds like a secratary's job back in the 60's.

=> No more envelopes, stamp, postal address, nor the act of finding a post box. The "SEND" button conquers all. (It actually only takes care of the post box part but you get my drift right ??)

I could go on, but then i'd be stating the obvious.

So, do I still write letters ? The answer is no. Why ?? Not because of the cost benefit stuff I typed out just now. My equations are different.

I get to communicate with people. There are few amongst people, at large, whom I dont communicate with, but then i'm not typing this post for them. So, I couldnt care less.

What cost ?? Approx Rs. 1/- per MB of data transfer is cheap.

I get to overcome my guilt for not having time to keep in touch with people I like using the sheer economic gains that can only be attained with the use of technology.

Thats why I dont write letters anymore.

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