Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Questions & Answers

Idleness + Tuesday afternoon = Yahoo messenger

Obviously, that was not the first time I had used yahoo messenger but it certainly was the first time that using messenger had induced a post.

Following are two excerpts from my conversation with two of my friends, they are close enough - don't remember the whole thing word for word.

Friend1: "Change that picture of ur's. Cant stand it anymore"
Me: "u can always hide the pic"

Me: "i realised that people have developed a penchant for calling me crazy"
Friend2: "that's because you are crazy"
Me: "Nothing like a dose of truth to really wake me up :)"
Friend2: "what did u expect"

Hey, i was in office. It's my god given right to have more than one chat window open. Back off.


1. Relatively complex questions tend to have relatively simple answers and vice versa.
2. I have the capacity to come up with completely rhetorical questions and smart ass answers.
3. My rhetorical questions somehow always seem to be answered.

All of a sudden this quote comes to mind:

"It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain, if i remember correctly.

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