Sunday, November 26, 2006

IQ - my contribution to social sciences

Dear Reader,

How many times have you wondered what this world is coming to ? The almost total lack of rationality is mind boggling. There are people who can, will and do perceive this irrationality as a refreshing change when thrust on the otherwise mundane activities of life. People like me. The kind you'll find when you're not really looking to find one.

You know what we need, a mechanism to determine how irrational a person really is. Why not ? There are metrics in place to measure an individuals intelligence and emotional ability. Why not another metric to measure how irrational an individual is capable of acting ?

Yeah, I call it Irrationality Quotient. I intend this variable to have only two possible outputs - Boring and Funky, in common parlance - Rational and Irrational. It is my opinion that irrational does not mean crazy or nuts. Irrational means being rational in its own right.

Most rational people tend to be consistent in their needs, opinions and what not. Like Oscar Wilde says, "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative". You choose. Yeah, I know, either choice is equally awkward. Don't even dream of calling yourself consistently imaginative. That'll make you irrational, in my book. Contrary to the common saying, there is no lesser of two evils.

Considering that a lot of time and effort has been devoted to developing a mechanism to arrive at Intelligence and Emotional quotient, I've decided to leverage the work already done to develop my test for Irrationality quotient.

For the more academically inclined, it'll suffice to say I intend to use Statistical sampling and very basic hypothesis testing combined with probability theory to determine the value of Irrationality quotient. Anything more is just too damn boring to type.

So people, if you consider your Irrationality Quotient to be Funky, keep reading. As Humphrey Bogart says in, the all time classic, Casablanca, "I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship". [Fade out]


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