Saturday, October 4, 2008

I'm back

It's been a month since I posted last. Funny, it doesn't really feel like a month. There were days when I got bored but in retrospect it does feel like time kinda flew by. How is that ?

Certain events have the capacity to transcend space time continuity. No matter when these events occur, it always feels fresh in the mind. Coming to think it, there were quite a few events that occured over the past month. Lets see now.

=> Financial markets are all screwed
=> Acquaintances renewed
=> Farewells and goodbyes
=> Congratulations and sweets
=> Doubts and uncertainty
=> Productive discussions
=> Meaningless arguments
=> Loads of frustration
=> Ideas galore
=> Nearly a million topics for my blog but no posts

That's just a very high level summary of what I have been looking at over the past month or so. I haven't really been working but my mind has always been occupied. In what has otherwise been a rather busy month, I can categorically state that I have been up to nearly nothing productive.

How can I call this anything other than 'NORMAL' ??

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